Thank you for your interest in coming back to volunteer at Camp!

There are various Camp Sessions and volunteer positions you may choose to volunteer for throughout the year.   

Below is a description of different Camp Volunteer Positions with links to more information on each, position descriptions, and processes to join some of these roles.

In our commitment to be more transparent and formalizing processes, we wanted to publish the Position Descriptions and Processes for every role.  Our hope is to answer questions that might exist and give you, our volunteer community, insight into our process.


Camp Session Volunteer Roles:


Session Registration:

Registrations to volunteer for our upcoming Camp sessions are announced in our ‘Good News’ e-newsletters, along with instructions. When registration opens for each camp session, it is timed simultaneously to when the e-newsletters go out. Look out for those in your e-mail inbox!

To see what Camp Sessions are currently open - CLICK HERE

2025 Registration Dates:

  • Spring Family Camps - February 24
  • Summer Camps - April 15
  • Fall Family Camps - TBD
  • Winter Camps - TBD


If you have any questions, feel free to contact Hanna Oshana, Program Operations Manager, by clicking here or by calling (323) -644-3004. Thank you!