Adventure Counselor


Many Volunteers ask the following about Adventure:

  1. Who is eligible to be an Adventure Staff?
  2. How does one actually become an Adventure Staff?
  3. Why should I go through Adventure training?
  4. What do I do if I'm interested?

All are wonderful questions!  Below you will find the answers to all of them, and many more,  and the steps to take to become an Adventure trained staff!


Who is eligible to be an Adventure Staff?

Any CURRENT VOLUNTEER is eligible to go through Adventure trainings.   This applies to cabin and activity counselors


How does one actually become an Adventure Staff?

To become an Adventure Staff, you must complete ALL of the following Adventure Trainings.  The 2025 Adventure trainings are:

  • Adventure 101:   April 4th @ Camp -  (3-4 hours)  Introduction to Adventure for new Adventure Counselors.  Lays the Adventure foundation, explains the philosophy, and allows staff to learn basic hard skills (knots, harnesses, helmets) to be successful at next trainings.
  • Safety Training:   April 5th & 6th @ Camp(16 hours)  The chance for the whole team to get on the same page safety-wise.  We focus the entire weekend on the Tower and the skills needed to safely facilitate the tower (why we do what we do, equipment usage, belaying, facilitating the camper’s experience, emotional and physical rescues).  All facilitators will spend a lot of time this weekend working on belay practice and how to handle climbing scenarios.
  • Synergy Training:   May 24 - 26 @ Camp(16 hours)  Synergy is a time for practicing and honing some of the most difficult skills to master:  the art of group facilitation.  Each team member has multiple chances to facilitate a game, initiative or element for the entire Adventure team and receive feedback on their performance.  
  • Free Climb DayMay 26th @ Camp  - (8 hours)   Free Climb is a full day of practice on the tower as we invite friends & family to come up to climb!


Why should I go through Adventure Training?

Even if you never do a session as an Adventure Counselor, just going through the training will make you a better counselor in general!  You will gain invaluable skills, practice, and insight into group facilitation, group processing, large group leadership.  You will have a chance to challenge yourself and learn new skills like how belay and properly facilitate the tower.  You will have a chance to play & learn a TON of new games and see the facilitation styles and tricks of both returning & new adventure staff.  All in all, the trainings are ridiculously educational, inspirational, insightful...and FUN!


What do I do if I'm interested in Adventure?

  1. Ensure you can attend all the trainings listed above.  Clear your calendar and lock in those dates.
  2. Email Chad to let him know you are interested! 


Bonus FAQ:  Do I HAVE to climb the Tower during training?

No, it is not a requirement to climb the tower.  The practice like we play and go by our philosophy of "Challenge by choice."   We encourage you to step outside of your comfort zone to try something new - the same request we make of the campers.   If your challenge is going up 2 steps on the Tower, then go for it!   Putting on a harness and challenging yourself at training goes a long way in understanding the fears and hesitancies that come up for our campers during the session.  


Bonus FAQ II:  But what if I REALLY want to climb the Tower?

Yes, we always need climbers during training.  The most important part of Safety training is getting everyone enough time to practice belaying and facilitating the Tower experience.  To do this, we need climbers!  So during training, do not be shy about climbing as much as you want!


If you have questions about the role of Adventure Counselor, please contact the Camp Staff.