Becoming an Adopt-A-Room partner allows you, your company or organization to be the sponsor of a room or space that families will call a ’home away from home’ within Ronald McDonald House® Orange County (RMHOC), Ronald McDonald Family Room® (RMFR) at CHOC Children’s or RMFR at CHOC at Mission Hospital.

Thank you to our current Adopt-A-Room Sponsors! View full list here (updated quarterly).

Partnership Benefits
As an Adopt-A-Room partner, you will receive:

  • Prominent signage by your room or space for the duration of your sponsorship
  • Monthly connections including reports of families being served by RMHOC and RMFR programs, personal letters from families using your room or space, and other updates
  • Online recognition on the RMHOC website of your household, family, foundation or company name and logo, subject to your approval
  • Permanent recognition at the end of your sponsored year with a gifted plaque

Annual Partnership Levels
$7,500 | Guest Room Sponsor
Payments available quarterly at $1,875

$10,000 | Small Common Space Sponsor
Payments available quarterly at $2,500

$15,000 | Large Common Space Sponsor
Payments available quarterly at $3,750

Thank you to our current Adopt-A-Room Partners – see the full list in Related Documents.

To learn more and become an Adopt-A-Room Sponsor, please contact
Ruth Wu, Director of Development, at [email protected] or 310-500-8856