Thank you for your interest in referring a family to the Long Beach Ronald McDonald House
Since our opening in 2011, the Long Beach Ronald McDonald House has worked closely with medical partners to provide housing, comfort, care and support to families receiving medical treatment in the Long Beach area.
In order to refer a family, there must be specific criteria that must be met. If you are unfamiliar with these criteria, please call our House at 562-285-4300. Please note that a room request does not guarantee a reservation, but we do our very best to accommodate everyone. Same-day requests are welcome. All referrals must come from a social worker, nurse or other medical partners.
We ask for a $25 per night donation for a regular room (up to 4 people), and $35 per night donation for a suite (up to 6 people). Some families pay a portion of the requested nightly donation. No eligible family is ever turned away if they are unable to pay. We also ask families for a $10 key deposit which is returned at check-out if all keys and parking fobs are accounted for.
While we are a “home away from home” for the families that stay with us, we do consider lodging here at the House a privilege. All guests are expected to abide by the rules of the Long Beach Ronald McDonald House and to act responsibly and respectfully in all instances which may or may not be outlined in this document. Failure to do so may result in being required to immediately vacate the House based on the discretion of management.
Guest Agreement
In order to maintain the highest levels of comfort and safety for our Guests, we ask all HouseGuests to abide by the following Guest Agreement:
- Due to the fragile immune systems some patients and families may be dealing with, we confirm that no one in our family has been recently exposed to chickenpox nor does anyone in our family have a communicable disease. Persons exposed to or having contagious illnesses may be required to vacate the house. Guests who have been diagnosed with a contagious illness during their stay will need to notify the office immediately.
- In return for the services and accommodations provided by Ronald McDonald House, I agree that all members of our party, including guests, will abide by the rules of the Long Beach Ronald McDonald House. I understand that we may be required to leave the Long Beach Ronald McDonald House immediately at any time if management determines in good faith that we have broken the rules.
- I understand that the mission of the Long Beach Ronald McDonald House is to provide a temporary home-away-from-home for families of critically ill children receiving treatment in area hospitals. I understand that I may be asked to vacate my room in the event that the House is full, other families of critically ill children are in need of lodging and my child is not in Intensive Care. Additionally, after 28 days, LBRMH reserves the right to review House occupancy, the family’s adherence to House rules and policies, and other factors deemed relevant in order to authorize or decline additional nights.
- I also understand and agree on behalf of all such persons that the Long Beach Ronald McDonald House will not be responsible or liable for any loss of or damage to our valuables, motor vehicles, or other personal property from any cause, or for any personal injuries to us, illness, or death even in the event of negligence.
- I authorize the Long Beach Ronald McDonald House to receive or communicate any information concerning the patient with any medical institution or personnel.
- I understand no animals are allowed on Long Beach Ronald McDonald House property except for service animals (ex. seeing-eye dogs).
- I understand that, as our landlord, management of the Long Beach Ronald McDonald House has the right to make random room checks at their sole discretion.
- I understand that all members of my party will be required to wear the appropriate colored wristband at all times while on Long Beach Ronald McDonald House property.
- I understand that no one who is currently under investigation by the Department of Child & Family Services or other similar agencies may stay in the Long Beach Ronald McDonald House.
Guest Rules
- Smoking or the use of any tobacco product is NOT permitted anywhere on LBRMH property.
- Maximum occupancy is as follows: Four (4) people to a standard guest room and six (6) people to a guest suite, maximum.
- No weapons, alcohol or illegal drugs will be allowed to be used, consumed or stored anywhere on Long Beach Ronald McDonald House property. Abusive or obscene language or gestures will not be tolerated.
- Food and drinks (other than water) may be stored and consumed only in the kitchen/dining, courtyard, and backyard areas. Guests are required to clean up after cooking, eating and drinking. This includes, but is not limited to, cleaning the counter and cooking area; properly loading all dishes used in the dishwasher (and properly unloading the dishwasher first, if the dishes are clean); cleaning the table, etc. Additionally, common area rooms are shared by all houseguests and as such, we ask that all users leave them clean and tidy.
- At check-out time, it is your responsibility to complete the checklist of chores that must be done prior to check-out in order to leave the room ready for the next family.
- For safety reasons, we ask that you notify the front office of any changes in guest room occupants that will be registered to your room. LBRMH has the right to limit the number of guests per room. Guests should be immediate family and/or the primary caretaker(s) of the sick child.
- Any child under eighteen (18) years of age must be supervised at all times.
- Guests are required to properly handle and dispose of any potentially infectious materials.
- Each guestroom must be used for sleeping during a portion of every 24 hour time period. We cannot provide accommodations solely for laundry or shower purposes. In the event that the room will be unoccupied for more than one night, the guests must properly check-out of the room. This allows us to accommodate more families.
- Quiet hours are from 9 PM to 9 AM. Loud and/or disruptive behavior is not allowed at any time, however, guests should take special care to be respectful of other guests’ need for rest during quiet hours.
- Social workers at the hospitals advise LBRMH staff if a family is not spending the recommended amount of time with their sick child or are, in any way, not caring adequately for the child. More than one instance of this type is grounds for requiring the family to vacate their room at the Ronald McDonald House. If there are extenuating circumstances (i.e. the parent has a contagious illness and should not be around the child, etc.), the guest must contact the House staff to advise them of the situation.
- Callers who ask for a registered guest by name will be transferred to that guest’s phone extension. If visitors come to see a guest, the staff or a volunteer will call the registered guest to the lobby to meet the visitor, sign them in, and get a visitors badge. WE ARE UNABLE TO SCREEN CALLS OR VISITORS.
- An appropriate dress code must be maintained at all times. Offensive and/or revealing clothing should not be worn in the House. Guests must be either fully clothed and/or wear a housecoat or robe at all times. Shoes or slippers must be worn at all times. Individuals refusing to comply with the established dress code shall be asked to leave the premises.
For any questions or more info, please contact
Yolanda Perez-Spiegel
Direct 562.285.4300
Contact Yolanda Here
We are happy to answer any questions you have.