There are a variety of volunteer opportunities available at the Inland Empire Ronald McDonald House. While many of these opportunities require you to come to the house, there are ways that you can participate from your home
Wish List Drive
- Donating items from IERMH’s wish lists an excellent way to help out at Inland Empire Ronald McDonald House without the commitment of coming in for volunteer sessions.
- The House is constantly in need of household essentials. Imagine the items you would typically need from the grocery store for your home each week, and multiply that by 54!
- How to Donate:
- Collect items you would like to donate and drop them off at the House any time between 9:00AM and 9:00PM.
- Click here for the IERMH Amazon wish list
- Click here for the House wish list
- If you would like to arrange the delivery of non-perishable food for the House pantry, grocery gift cards, or individually prepared meals for the families staying at IERMH, please contact us for a list of local options.

Pop Tab Collection
- Pull tabs are an excellent way to donate at the House, as they are a reminder that even the small things make a huge difference. The Inland Empire Ronald McDonald House collects pull tabs from aluminum cans and uses recycling to pay for expenses incurred at the House. This ensures that families have a comfortable place to stay while their children are in the hospital.

- How to Donate:
- Collect as many pull tabs off of aluminum cans as you can and drop them off at Inland Empire Ronald McDonald House any time between 9:00am and 9:00pm. For your convenience, you can send them via US Mail.
- Get Involved
Contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Jessica Berry:
(909) 747-1275