Pull for the House!
Looking for a substantial way to help your community? Sometimes the answer can be right under your nose. One important way that you and your school, organization, or family can make a difference in the lives of real families is to “pull” for the Pasadena Ronald McDonald House. That’s right, those tiny aluminum pull tabs on your soda can help feed, clothe, and provide shelter for families that desperately need help in your area. Think your pull tab donation won’t make a difference? Think again - last year we raised over $1,700 for the House.
The Pasadena Ronald McDonald House collects all pull tabs to be recycled, and for every pound of pull tabs collected, the House receives the current market value for aluminum. All proceeds contribute directly toward helping the House keep up with daily operating expenses and it plays a key role in allowing us to keep our doors open. You can bring your pull tabs to the Pasadena Ronald McDonald House, 7 days a week, preferably between 9:00am – 9:00pm. If you are unable to drop off your tabs, you can simply take them to your participating recycling center and mail the check to us. Please note that tabs can be taken from beverages, cat and dog food, food cans, tennis ball canisters, etc. Tab collection canisters are available at the House, or you can use any clean container of your choice. We also have a label that you can download to put on your own canister.

Click here to download our Pennies with Purpose and Pull Tabs Information Sheet
Click here to download labels for your Pull Tab containers.
Fun Facts
- It takes 1,267 pull tabs to make a pound
- 1 million pull tabs, when recycled, will provide a night of lodging for families at the Pasadena Ronald McDonald House
- 1 million pull tabs, laid end to end, is 16 miles long
One tab on its own may not be worth much, but if you can get your school, family or organization to “pull together” we can make a big difference.