Deldre and Cheryl Carr of Las Vegas were very excited to learn that they were going to be having a daughter. Their first daughter Addysen would be about two years old when their second daughter was born. At the time, they thought their biggest challenge would be having two children in diapers at the same time.
There were no complications during Cheryl’s pregnancy. Everything seemed perfect when they brought Nyah home. Two days later, she stopped eating and became very ill. They took her to the emergency room, where they were told that Nyah had a metabolic disorder and needed to be taken immediately to Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles. At three days old, Nyah was flown to Los Angeles Children's Hospital. The Carrs quickly packed up their car and followed. Their cousin had stayed at a Ronald McDonald House before, so they knew that the Los Angeles Ronald McDonald House would be a great option for them.
Nyah was diagnosed with Methylmalonic Acidemia, a disorder in which the body cannot break down certain proteins and fats. She was treated aggressively and one week later had surgery to make sure there was no blockage. The tests were negative, but then Nyah got an infection.
Their two week stay turned into five weeks. They had many resources available at the House to help them cope with Nyah’s condition. Deldre used our gym to work out and relieve stress, Addysen had toys and books in our playroom to keep her entertained, and our computer access allowed them to stay in touch with family and friends. Most importantly, the family was able to live near the hospital while Nyah received treatment and they had the opportunity to interact with other families who were coping with equally stressful situations.
Nyah was more responsive than the doctors thought possible. The Carr family returned home to Las Vegas, but they will be back at the Los Angeles Ronald McDonald House for more tests and a possible liver or kidney transplant for Nyah. They are hopeful that by following a special diet, Nyah will be able to eat a greater variety of foods.
The Carr family finds great comfort in knowing that the House will be here when they need to return. It’s their “home away from home.”
For information on how you can help the LA Ronald McDonald house provide families of critically ill children with lodging and support programs, please call us at 323-644-3000.