On April 26th of 2019, Rebecca went into labor. At only thirty weeks gestation, mom and dad welcomed three beautiful baby girls into their family: Lilah, Amelia, and Sarah. Once Rebecca was discharged, she was able to recover at home knowing her babies were in the best care possible in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Miller Children’s & Women’s Hospital
Rebecca and Thomas Fitts struggled with infertility, as many couples do, for almost two years. In October 2018, they found out they were expecting and immediately felt excited to welcome a baby into their family.
On November 5th, while celebrating their wedding anniversary, Rebecca and Thomas found out that they were actually expecting triplets! Surprised, but accepting this news with open hearts, Rebecca’s doctors explained the many risks of carrying multiples.
On April 26th of this year, Rebecca went into labor. At only thirty weeks gestation, mom and dad welcomed three beautiful baby girls into their family: Lilah, Amelia, and Sarah. Once Rebecca was discharged, she was able to recover at home knowing her babies were in the best care possible in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Miller Children’s & Women’s Hospital, However, she quickly realized how hard it was being so far away from them. The NICU medical team recommended the Long Beach Ronald McDonald House.
Rebecca says, “We could eliminate the stress from being far from our girls by sleeping at the Long Beach Ronald McDonald House. We enjoyed wonderful home-cooked meals by the volunteers and were able to connect with families going through similar struggles. I enjoyed being able to share a meal with people that knew what being a NICU parent is. Some days it's smiles, other days it’s red eyes from crying. Some days you don't want to talk to anyone because of anxiety and stress…the other families get it. It is a place where I have been able to be myself, raw in my emotions, vulnerable in sharing my journey and inspired to see families pack up and graduate with their babies.”
After sixty days, Rebecca and Thomas were able to return home with Lilah and Sarah. Amelia needed some extra time in the NICU, but her mom and dad continued to use the amenities of our house for another few weeks until Amelia was strong enough to join her sisters at home.