Reserve the evening of November 3rd, 2018 for the Los Angeles Ronald McDonald House Masquerade Ball (aka Mac Tonight Gala).
Last Minute Information for the 2018 Masquerade Ball
For almost 40 years, the Los Angeles Ronald McDonald House has offered a home away from home for families with seriously ill children receiving treatment at area hospitals. In the past two years, our occupancy has soared, in 2017, we hosted a record 23,829 family nights. The support we receive for the Masquerade Ball (aka Mac Tonight Gala) is a critical piece in our ability to serve all the families who need the House.
We invite you to this special evening of dinner, dancing, and heartwarming stories from some of our families and so much more. This year’s Ball will honor Doug Kanner, Davis Elen Advertising, and Kaiser Permanente - Los Angeles Medical Center for their generosity, leadership, and service.
We ask that you join these honorees in their commitment to the Los Angeles Ronald McDonald House by sponsoring a table, purchasing an ad in our tribute book or donating an item for our live and silent auctions.