Nick and Nicole Masero found much needed rest at the Long Beach Ronald McDonald House while their son Jonas was receiving treatment in the NICU.
Nick and Nicole Masero, both born and raised in Southern California, made the move to Washington D.C. where Nick was attending law school. They got married and were ready to start a family. A short time after their wedding Nicole became pregnant, but suffered a devastating loss when she miscarried at six weeks.
However, two months passed and they were pregnant once again. This time, Nicole and the baby progressed normally, and at 32 weeks Nick and Nicole made the decision to travel by train and relocate back to Southern California to be close to family. Nick had finished law school and was busily studying to take the Bar exam.
Their excitement turned to fright when Nicole was due to deliver and their physician noticed during fetal heart monitoring that she was having contractions that might be restricting blood flow to the baby. Nicole and Nick were immediately admitted to Miller Children’s & Women’s Hospital Long Beach.
Nick and Nicole were adamant about having a natural birth. However, her delivery was not easy, and after hours of complications she underwent a C-Section. Unfortunately during the C-Section her epidural failed and she was in excruciating pain.
“My wife was unconscious on the operating table and I was trying to get my new son, Jonas’, foot prints,” said Nick Masero. “I was panicking but overjoyed.”
After delivery, problems progressed. Jonas began running a fever, had jaundice, an accelerated heart rate and needed to spend time in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Nicole was recovering from a painful C-Section while walking to the NICU every three hours to nurse. In addition, Nick was trying to study for the Bar exam which was scheduled to take place seven days after Jonas was born.
“We had a running joke that we had to choose to sleep, shower or eat in a day, and the rest of the time was spent walking to the NICU,” says Nick. “Then our social worker told us about the Long Beach Ronald McDonald House and it was like the clouds opened up. We were able to do all three things while staying at the House and find a little time for rest. It also helped me relax so I could take the Bar exam knowing Nicole was surrounded by the incredible comfort and community of the House.”
Nick took the bar exam and they’re eagerly awaiting the results. Jonas was released from the hospital, happy and healthy, and the whole family is enjoying their new adventure in the comfort of their home here in Southern California. Thank you for helping keep families like the Maseros together.res